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Rachel and Tom

Binghamton, NY, United States

Rachel: Have you ever met someone that you instantly connect with? That's Tom for me. I had traveled to Rochester to spend the weekend with my friends from high school (Jess and Jordan), and other friends at RIT. I had seen pictures of Jordan's roommate Tom before Jordan went to RIT, (picture a skinny teen with long dark hair) and all I remember thinking was "Good luck with that guy". Well, when Tom and I met, I was proven wrong. I wanted to be his very best friend, and realized I could spend forever talking to him. We spent an evening walking around RIT, talking and laughing, and after that, have spent pretty much every day of the past 10 years talking and laughing.

The groom's favorite thing about the bride: Her laugh, "Hearing and seeing her genuinely laugh at something just gets me every time"

Tom: My then roommate Jordan's (groomsman) then girlfriend Jess (bridesmaid) was coming up to visit and was bringing her friend Rachel along. Rachel needed a place to sleep and I offered my bed (I took the floor, don't worry Mom and Dad!). I didn't know quite what to expect, but I'd heard tales of this Rachel before and the parties she threw, so I was intrigued to say the least. I could tell right away when I first saw her she was special. She immediately commanded and brightened a room when she walked in. All it took was one night of paling around campus to realize I wanted to be a part of her life in whatever way I could, and the rest is history.

The bride's favorite thing about the groom: His positive outlook. "He always sees the best in people and situations. In a world full of so much negativity, he never stops seeing the bright side of life."





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